Our acquintance with the famous Kyiv artist Halyna Bodyakova happened on the eve of her personal exhibition of paintings within ArtAsters art project founded by law firm «Asters» together with US-Ukrainian Business Council in 2009. The charity project is a charity called upon for to support, promote and introduce Ukrainian art.
Halyna Bodyakova was born in the town Putyvl of Sumy Region in the family, where each grandfather and greatgrandfather had a creative talent. Halyna’s father – professional artist, her daughter is also the future artist, currently studying in Kiev State Institute of Arts and gives great hopes…
Our acquintance with the famous Kyiv artist Halyna Bodyakova happened on the eve of her personal exhibition of paintings within ArtAsters art project founded by law firm «Asters» together with US-Ukrainian Business Council in 2009. The charity project is a charity called upon for to support, promote and introduce Ukrainian art.
Halyna Bodyakova was born in the town Putyvl of Sumy Region in the family, where each grandfather and greatgrandfather had a creative talent. Halyna’s father – professional artist, her daughter is also the future artist, currently studying in Kiev State Institute of Arts and gives great hopes. Halyna previously several times etched by nitric acid. Engravings made in the technique of etching, were created by Altdorfer, Durer, Rembrandt, Goya, Repin, Shevchenko and other notable artists of different times. Etching technique arc virtually unchanged for 500 years . In order to write the degree work, which consisted of six pages, the student has chosen a complicated social and environmental theme, strictly to the point using lines from the songs of Bulat Okudzhava for the names of works. 1991 Halyna Bodyakova successfully defended her work and received the diploma of professional artist in 1991.
90s of the 20th century were complicated and unpredictable for her, as for everybody. Using the capabilities of her own multifaceted talent, young artist was intensively working in different styles and techniques, took part in native and foreign exhibitions. She is a member of the National Union of Artists of Ukraine beginning from 1995.In conditions of economic and political instability, life became more complecated, there was degradation of universal moral principles, country sank in crime. But the more negativity media disturbed, the stronger was the desire of Halyna Bodyakova to create something light, soft and fluffy, so the heroes could be engaged in dialogue – calm, warm, tender. At this time big polar bears appeared among works of the great artist, in French style inherent for them (technique – pastel). But the impetus for this was the order of design of audio CD of children’s songs «Kolysanky», lovingly collected by Voloymyr Katsan (Recording Studio «AstraRckords») from funds of Ukrainian radio. So from the pen of the artist new stories and characters were born, then she completely plunged into the world of fairy tales, dreaming, spontaneity of children.
Pictures of Halyna Bodyakova – intelligent, informative, expressive. They arc full of humanity and sincerity, they are forcing to worry and feci. They have such purity of a child- tears welling in herself as a child dreamed of becoming a ballerina, beginning from the age of 5 attended Ballet Studio of Bryansk, where her parents had moved because of family reasons.
It happened so that girl fell ill in the 4th form, was at home half a year, hardly come out. It also led to concrete actions: to take paints of father and start painting, than to visit art studio children. Talent and a spark of God manifested even from early age, combined with persistence, diligence and responsibility.
Studing in Bryansk Art College finally determined professional destiny of the girl. Halyna joined the Kyiv State Institute of Arts in 1985, the faculty of easel painting. A student more and more became fond of etching -(from the French eau-forte, literally – strong water, nitric acid) – a kind of graphics, which allows to get prints from printing plates which eyes with delight and a sense of true wonder. It is difficult to believe that these pictures arc crcated by imagination of grown-up woman. A variety of cute animals: cats, horses, bears, fish with clever, funny or sad glances, but always kind. Each work lovingly and earnestly conveys the brightness of the image, character, mood of little fairy-tale characters.
Halyna has the great spiritual potential, highly moral criteria – her creativity is serving the kindness. Her talent – sec more deeply than others, feel subtly and sharply. Eclecticism is not inherent to the works of Mrs. Bodyakova. She has her own point of view, her own opinion for everything. She sees even the slightest falsity.
Artist herself is telling about this in such way: The main thing in any circumstances, to be yourself, do not live someone else’s life, to have your own opinion, to think independently – this is happiness. I do not use cliches, I love the source of art, literature and poetry. When my bunnies and princesses come to me -not Gauguin or Rafael will help. Only I have to draw them. I am lucky: my work – a real pleasure. I’d like very much to have time to give life to my dreams .
Halyna loves travelling, watching people and the world, set and sunrise, especially those which took place in the sea, when the moon of purple or crimson colour is reflected by lunar path on the surface of water. These experiences are inspiring a good hand of brush, and then arc turning into some incredible storylines, mythical fairy-tale characters.
From nature I get energetic power supply, – says Mrs. Bodyakova. – I love forest – autumnal, winter ,spring, summer, when you simply go through the trees and become part of the grand space: I know many tools for wood and metal, preparing and leached etching plates that requires special care. In addition to the painting draws children’s books, doing sketches, stained glass, paintings on wood, walls, develops logos, trademarks, commemorative medals Life facctcd, polished me, that’s why I dissolved in calmness, though it is not always possible, 1 don’t love excess vanity. I can do everything myself: I am able to use different instruments on wood and metal, I prepare and etch etching plates, which requires special care. Besides creating pictures I design children’s books, make sketches of stained-glass windows, paintings on wood, on walls, make logos, trademarks, memorable medals.
I sincerely believe that everything that happens to us in life good or bad – is given to us not by chance. I can not keep the evil or offence, I do not feel sorry for myself. I do not sank with head into any philosophical doctrine, carefully and intelligently choose the best grains, those that arc close to me in spirit. I have joy of life and creativity. And in general I try to be optimist.
In the studio, where the artist works, dominates a subtly delicate, transparent, sensual world from which the spirit is breathtaking. From the first moment you realize that her soul was incomprehensible, high, subtly intense, that it is near and in the same time far away. Perhaps it was at that minutes to her imagination comes next character of fairy story.
Although today Halyna Bodaykova is working in traditional and mixed techniques – etching, oil, pastel, gesso – still she is master of etching. In her creativity artist strictly appealing to the social, moral and ethical themes, creating images in only her peculiar manner: preservation of cultural and historical monuments – «First snow», up-bringing – «1 am with you», mercy – «Dove», humanism – “Firtree” and lots of others works of art. Besides, all her work master accompanies with her own literary sketches and poems.Thus the book “The great secret” was published in 2012.
Every year the works Mrs. Halyna collect prizes, diplomas and awards of prestigious professional exhibitions, plein air at home and abroad. She participated in many charity events and auctions. Her paintings entertain sick children in Kyiv OHMATDYT hospitals, orphanages, schools, they are in the state museums and private collections in Ukraine, Russia, Canada, USA, Germany, France, Spain, Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Turkey, Japan and so on.
Here’s one reviews of connoisseurs of talent of the artist:”Unusual, amazing pictures! Filled with harmony, talcs, children’s perceptions of the world. If art – a reflection of the inner world of the artist, then your soul – the real paradise!”
Tamara Markelova
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