Стр. 55 - Oksamyt-2-8_2015

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доброго здоров’я
V.K. Pischansky suggests the use in modern medi-
cine of health cancer treatment with suchmethods known
from ancient times as herbal medicine, mineralotherapy,
metalloterapy, physiotherapy and treatment with fungi.
These methods can be used separately and in combina-
tion, depending on the type of illness and disease stage
before the inpatient treatment in oncology center and
after chemotherapy, radiotherapy and surgery.
A thorough examination of the patient in oncology
center takes 3-4 weeks without hospitalization. Dur-
ing this time, the state of cancer patients dramatically
worsens. Here is where psycho-emotional factor and
the lack of any medical treatment takes place. Low
rates of hemoglobin, red blood cells, white blood cells,
high ESR rate - with such poor indicators of blood a
person sick with cancer is hospitalized. Therefore, to
reduce these aggressive and traumatic impacts before
operational intervention, chemotherapy and radiation
therapy one should spend 20-30 day training course of
therapeutic recreation under the supervision of onco-
therapist, but domiciliary, says MD. Pischansky.
He gives an example: ‘If a patient asks oncologist,
‘Can I drink herbal poisons?’He will receive a categorical
answer: ‘Youwill decompose the liver!’- That’s not true!
Plant alkaloids, alkaloids of animal origin and fungi do
not cause any harm for the body at all. They can be taken
in large doses and for a long time. I have hundreds of of-
ficially recorded evidence of safe reception of anticancer
drugs, dietary supplements, poisons without interruption
for more than 10 years, and doses are 500, 1000, 2500
and even 3250 drops for 1 dose. I tested it on myself for
10 years of the daily taking in large doses. As a result,
there is no problemwith prostate and inmymid-seventies
I can do a stand on my head and hands in a horizontal
position by benching. My biological age is much younger
(because not every young man in his twenties is able to
stand on hands horizontally). This means that taking al-
kaloids, dietary supplements and herbal teas for a long
time is not harmful.
Only in Zaporizhia are two of my patients taking these
drugs in high individual doses for 14 years. They still work:
IvanBondarenko, the diagnosis - stomach cancer, 76 years
old. He works at the plant ‘Iskra’ as an installer. Chizhova
Nadia - breast cancer, health care worker, retired, contin-
ues to work in an urban clinic. Therefore, the use of these
techniques and drugs to treat cancer is logically justified,
practicable, efficient and with no side effects.’
A new look at pregnancy
with cancer
In practice Vladimir Kirillovich has experience of
successful treatment of pregnant women with cancer.
Here he talks about some difficult decisions that had
to be taken to preserve the little life.
‘The first case occurred in 2003. A young woman
named Anna with cervical carcinoma, turned to me
for help. Treatment was started in April the same
year, there were 5 months of intensive treatment and
suddenly ... Anna became pregnant. She refused to
interrupt pregnancy. I took a decision to continue
treatment, but changed the method. A strong boy was
born, 57 cm tall. Mom turned to such medical treat-
ment as a syringing. In 9 months, Dima (a name of
the boy) weighed 10 kg. Within 12 months, the baby
was fed only with breast milk and juices. Trust in my
techniques helped Anna to produce a healthy baby
and cure herself.
Case of Nellie Panova and birth of her sturdy child
is the second case in my practice, when the patient took
extremely important decision - to have an abortion.
In 2003, doctors set Nellie a diagnosis of fibroma and
made a surgery in a right breast.After that some complica-
tions developed. The disease was progressing. Just then,
my first book fell into her hands: ‘Cancer. We will live’,
published in 2006. In September 2008, the patient was
taken to me. She was a bed-ridden patient. I appointed a
treatment with sticking to a rigid diet. She felt better only
in 1.5 years. All symptoms of cancer have disappeared.
Blood tests were beautiful. Delighted Nellie ceased to be
treated regularly. Two years passed in this manner.
In the summer of 2014, Nellie became pregnant
and cancer symptoms returned. She lost about 8 ki-
los and turned to oncologic dispensary. The doctors
found nothing. They offered to take a biopsy of the
thyroid gland.
In early September, Nellie again appealed to me,
she refused to interrupt the pregnancy. I banned to
do a biopsy and ordered treatment for the whole
period of pregnancy. Two weeks before childbirth
she stopped cancer treatment and was hospitalized
in maternity hospital. On 2 April, Nellie gave birth
to a baby with weight of 3,650 kg, dark-haired, dark-
skinned, very lively, but not loud. On 6 April, she
was discharged home. During 3 days, the baby re-
ceived colostrum to lift immunity. However, from 6
April Nellie switched him to additional food because
we have again started to treat cancer by drinking
and compresses.
These two distinct cases can assert that we could
allow a pregnancy to a woman with cancer by changing
the method of treatment, gestation and raising immu-
nity by methods of natural medicine.’
Official oncology does not have at its disposal the
mentioned above methods. Therefore, verdict of on-
cologists is ‘You will lose both a child and a mother!
Persuade her to do an abortion!’ and doctor-naturopath
Pischansky does not agree with it, he has his own view
on this issue.
Onkotherapy is a path to recovery
Two years ago, 39-year-old Hollywood starAngelina
Jolie, whose mother died of breast cancer at age of 56,
underwent surgery to remove the breast. Only in this
way, the actress wanted to prevent the development of
breast cancer, to which she has a very high propensity.
Operation has reduced risk of breast cancer from 87 %
to 5 %. Nevertheless, studies have shown that even after
surgery the risk of cancer was 50 percent.
As a scientist,
V.K. Pischansky
has a lot of
and invaluable
Trust in him
as a doctor has
allowed scores
of doomed
to death people
to enjoy live